Oneway 16 1/4" Easy Core Knife Set - Part No. 3202
Oneway 16 1/4" Easy Core Knife Set - Part No. 3202
Knife Sets
The Knife Sets determine what size bowl blanks can be cored. There are four knife sets available for a complete system. These Knife Sets can be purchased separately.
The Knives are made from quality materials to ensure they hold up to the task at hand. The support fingers for knife sets #1 & #2 are constructed using 60,000 lb tensile carbon steel, whereas the support fingers for knife sets #3 & #4 are made from 100,000 lb chrome nickel steel.
Each Knife Set includes a knife, support, and cutter.
Cutters are replaceable and easily sharpened on a bench grinder platform. The cutters are made from HSS CPM M4 - the same steel used to make our Mastercut Turning Tools - providing excellent cutter life.
The 16 1/4” Knife Set will core from 15 1/2” – 17 1/2" diameter blank