Tool Handle - Dovetail Skew Class - Call for next date
Tool Handle - Dovetail Skew Class Saturday
In the Tool Handle Dovetail Skew Class we will focus on turning a tool handle appropriate to the tool to be mounted in it and walk you through making handles for many other tools. The Dovetail Skew is a simple 1/4" HSS tool originally presented to me by Bob Rosand who is a well known professional woodturner, demonstrator, and teacher from central Pennsylvania. The tool is designed for cutting a perfect dovetail tenon but has proved to be quite nimble and invaluable for countless other tasks. Class size is limited to a maximum of 5 participants and is booked on a first come first committed basis by booking it through our website.
This class is designed to complete a useful tool but is not meant to teach the fundamentals of spindle turning. As such, we would appreciate some spindle turning experience so we can work steadily toward a timely completion in 3 to 4 hours. Handle selection , drilling, finishing, tool mounting & sharpening are all topped off with installing a copper ferrule to complete the project.
For this, and all classes we furnish tools, blanks, and equipment. In most cases we will use our tools to make sharpening simpler and more consistent, however, we ask that you bring what tools you use so we can discuss sharpening and help to make any adjustments in sharpening technique. If you have any personal protection beyond our required face shield you should bring that as well.
The class begins at 9:00 but you should arrive a few minutes early to get situated at a lathe. We should be completed with the project by noon but you are welcome to bring any snack or refreshments in case it takes an extra hour to finish the tool. Coffee, tea, soda, and water are available as well. This is always a fun class that you will always remember as you will have a great tool to use for the rest of your woodturning.
Class should last from 9:00 a.m. until noon.
Maximum class size is 5 students.
If you have any questions call Joe at 716-391-2001 or email joe@buffalowoodturningproducts.com to go over any details or to reserve your spot.