Doctor's Woodshop Walnut Oil Paste Wax Doc - 102

  • $12.00
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WALNUT OIL PASTE WAX                          


  • Hard, durable Carnauba wax finish
  • Food-safe
  • Great for furniture
  • Perfect topcoat for the High Build Friction Polish
  • 4 oz tub


A traditional paste wax finish is still the first choice of many woodworkers. This carnauba paste wax is solvent-free. This is a softer paste wax than many customers expect but it still has a very high wax content.

The oil provides a smooth surface on which the wax can be deposited. The wax can be applied to the spinning piece after final sanding and is then buffed with a soft paper towel. Sealing the surface with a sanding sealer; a 1 pound cut shellac spray, our Walnut Finishing Oil or the High Build Friction Polish is a good preparatory step for application of paste wax but is not necessary. Apply the wax sparingly. Apply a second coat if needed.

Paper towels are recommended for safety's sake. This paste wax is also great for finishing other wood projects where a hard, solvent-free finish is desired.

Type of Wax:

Carnauba wax*


Use as a top coat for protection and shine

*Carnauba wax is a natural product

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